hello! thank you for considering us as a home for your work :)
general info
we publish one piece per week, on Tuesdays. our submissions will remain perpetually open, so feel free to send us work whenever you’d like.typical response time is 2-4 days. all submissions will be responded to within 2 weeks.submissions are free! But we're also not a paying market. we hope to someday be though :)send your work to us through our submissions form!genre guidelines
short fiction/nonfictiontell us about that time that… and how… or an old bike that… or your next door neighbor who… or a fake guy named Ralph who loves… up to 3 pieces / up to 1200 words per piece.micro Fiction/nonfictionsend us your little drabbles, meditations, glimpses, fortune cookie fortunes, journal entries, horoscopes, etc. up to 4 pieces / up to 300 words per piecepoetry/prose poetrygive us your funktastic imagery and permeating voice. Up to 3 poems / no word limit.hybridall your weird. we want it. generally up to your discretion given the length requirements outlined for other categories. hard limit of 4 pieces / 1200 words though.nitty gritty
we typically prefer for Dishsoap to be the first place your work has appeared, but are more than happy to give a new home to work stuck in any defunct/discontinued journal or magazine.simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please notify us promptly if your work is accepted elsewhere.we encourage and enjoy work that tackles tough topics, but we will reserve the right to ignore a submission if it includes anything nsfw, racist, homophobic, ableist, transphobic, sexist, or anything generally involving discrimination or hate speech.if your work is rejected, we ask that you wait 1 month before submitting again. if your work is accepted, we ask that you wait 2 months before submitting again.to withdraw your work, email us at dishsoap.mag@gmail.comif you somehow don't have a google account yet and can't access our form, feel free to email us your submission with an optional informal cover letter and a bio.if your work is accepted, you retain all rights, but we request that you credit us when sending it to other places in the future.