
do you see your work finding its home at dishsoap?

Ten Commandments for Soaping

  1. we accept all genres.
  2. simultaneous submissions are fine, but tell us if you get accepted elsewhere!
  3. send us your finely-crafted dishes through our submissions form. we prefer docx format unless you've got some cool formatting to preserve. unfortunately, we don't have the staffing to reply to off-season submissions, or those sent by email instead of by form. cover letters are cool; please keep your bios short and sweet (≤150 words) and when listing publications, please list the ones that you feel are most representative of your work. long bios will be cut to fit.
    from april the 16th-17th (EST), we'll be responding to all submissions within 24 hours!
  4. poetry. at most 4 poems per submission & no word limit.
    prose. at most 3 per submission & 5000 words in total.
    art. at most 3 per submission. feel free to attach a brief explanation!
    other. as many as you'd like :).
  5. please don't submit anything explicit!
    we reserve the right to ignore a submission if we find any nsfw, racist, homophobic, etc. notions, even if not explicity stated.
  6. if your work is accepted for publication, we ask that you credit us as its first home when sending it to other places in the future
  7. throughout the submissions window, we would prefer it if dishsoap could be your pieces’ first home, but we will consider work that has been housed elsewhere before. please let us know in your cover letter.
  8. we do nominate for Pushcart and Best of the Net.
  9. for inquiries, please email To withdraw a piece, please edit your initial submission to check the box at the bottom of the form.(An editable copy of your submission should be sent to you after you've filled in the form!)
  10. thank you for trusting us.