"Yet Another Story" was created using found objects, found paints and wildflowers, in natural lighting, outside. 7.5" x 13". Leica Camera
"Modern Couple" (5.5" x 8.3") and "Illusion" (5" x 8.3") were both created under controlled lighting with spray paints, natural flowers and fruit, as well as diverse glass objects before a black background. Both were photographed with Canon cameras.
I am always reminded of Roland Barthes word in his book on photography, "Camera Lucida." He spoke of the idea of the "punctum," what points to the viewer, connects him/her to the work in a quasi "umbilical" manner.
What brings me to create new visual pieces is the need to create something new. I do not want to re-create what others have done, or what I have already done. I want to always offer something new to the viewer. I had a notion of working with ice and to observe what effects natural flowers would cause if frozen. Later, I discovered a number of abandoned objects in a barn and decided to combine them and create still lives with a different mood. This project continued as I was bequeathed a collection of spray paint cans. I pondered how I may use these and after some experiments realize that I could create stunning effects with diverse flowers. This is a project I plan on continuing this upcoming summer.
Fabrice Poussin teaches French and English at Shorter University. Author of novels and poetry, his work has appeared in Kestrel, Symposium, The Chimes, and many other magazines. His photography has been published in The Front Porch Review, the San Pedro River Review as well as other publications.