After Cameron Awkward-Rich
Do not falter through your hurtle, you tired,
bright thing. The people who love you
are waiting below with flower fields
in their smiles. Their opened hands like
empty trees. So here's the warm hollow.
Here's where the birds go when they realize
they cannot fly anymore. Here's where the
love will be waiting when you are ready.
Your friends, reaching. Your wings,
wreathed with daisies. You, soft with every
tender thing you finally let yourself have.
Jacob Jing is a writer studying visual arts at the University of North Texas. Presently, he is a mentee in the 2024 Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship Program. He has been published in Spellbinder Magazine and is forthcoming in the Eunoia Review. In his free time, he enjoys photography, naps, and the $3 milkshakes from the student union.