except I usually give up before they’re done
so I’m just making keychains or what feels like
extravagantly pointless scraps of effort.
I’m concentrating hard to tie one fucking knot
to another fucking knot, in the proper direction,
in the right order, with the appropriate string.
I learned the techniques from a teenage girl’s
Youtube channel, follow patterns created
by other teenage girls. Friendship bracelets
take so long to make, there’s no point
in selling them. Labor cost is too high. A friendship
bracelet is created to be given. I was thinking of you.
I was thinking of you for twelve hours with colorful string
wrapped around my fingertips. It’s not quite prayer
but it’s not not prayer. I think it’s devotion,
about which a teenage girl would have a lot to say.
Teenage girls are great teachers, if you listen.
Today’s lesson is on despair: looking ahead
and foreseeing years of humiliating ritual. What now,
I ask. Teenage girl replies, look at your hands.
Catherine Weiss is a poet and artist living in Western Massachusetts. Their poetry has been published in Tinderbox, Passengers Journal, Fugue, Taco Bell Quarterly, and elsewhere. Catherine's full-length poetry collections are titled WOLF GIRLS VS. HORSE GIRLS and GRIEFCAKE, with third full-length collection BIG MONEY PORNO MOMMY forthcoming from Game Over Books in 2025. More at catherineweiss.com.